Conversational Spanish

If you live in Central North Carolina, the simplest way to "get a feel" for "Spanish Pronto" is to visit Alan Archibald's "Monday Night Class," launched five and a half years ago at the request of District Court Judge Alonzo "Lonnie" Coleman following Archibald's mediation of a legal dispute involving a Central American woman. (An account of this episode was published in Durham's "Urban Hiker," 4/00.)

"Monday Night Class" takes place on the top floor of the Orange County Courthouse, located at the interstection of North Churton St. (NC Rte. 86) and East Margaret Lane in downtown Hillsborough, North Carolina.

"Monday Night Class" begins at 7:00 P.M. and ends at 9:00 P.M.

Visitors are welcome --- unannounced --- at any time.

Don't feel shy if your schedule requires late arrival or early departure.

A second adult class meets every Thursday evening at the Coleman home, ten minutes north of Hillsborough..

A rollicking good time is had by all.

For more information, please contact:   alanarchibald@mindspring.com